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AP Studio Art Drawing/2D - Inspirational Artists Project: MLA Format

NoodleTools for Life

Use NoodleTools to keep track of all of your research in one place: sources, notes, outline AND paper!

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Make sure you are logged in to Google through one of their apps (Mail, Classroom, Drive, etc.) 
  2. Click the Apps waffle.
  3. Select the NoodleTools icon towards the bottom. You will be automatically logged in through Google. 

***Important: Your teachers want to see the URL in your citation. Make sure you use the permalink for all database articles.

Don't forget to cite your images!

If you are using NoodleBib, choose "Work of Visual Art." It is the
last option in the "Audio, Video, Images" category.

You will need to include: the artist's name, type of art, title of
work, date of creation, museum library or private collection, and
location, as well as the 
name of the website and URL:

Last name, First name. Title of Work. Date of creation. Museum
   Library or Collection, City. Website Title. Web. Date of Access.

For example: 
Chagall, Marc. Birthday1915. Museum of Modern Art, New York. 
   The Artchive. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>.

Citation Help