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Biology 1.1: Media Bias: Source Evaluation

Source Evaluation Form

This form will help you evaluate any source you would like to use for a science argument, position statement or paper.

What is bias?


noun, adjective, adverb, verb, bi·ased, bi·as·ing or ( especially British ) bi·assed, bi·as·sing.

a particular tendency or inclination, esp. one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice.
–verb (used with object)
to cause partiality or favoritism in (a person); influence, esp. unfairly: a tearful plea designed to bias the jury.

 predisposition, preconception, predilection, partiality, proclivity; bent, leaning. Bias, prejudice  mean a strong inclination of the mind or a preconceived opinion about something or someone. A bias  may be favorable or unfavorable: bias in favor of or against an idea. Prejudice  implies a preformed judgment even more unreasoning than bias,  and usually implies an unfavorable opinion: prejudice against a race. 9.  predispose, bend, incline, dispose.

Definition from

You may come across biased information that you "need" to use in your research. It is important to find other sources that balance that view.

Critical Evaluation Help

"Not all information is created equal. Just because you see it in print or on your computer screen, do not assume it is accurate or reliable!"

Remember the the following criteria in your evaluation (CRAAP):

     1. Currency

     2. Relevance

     3. Accuracy

     4. Authority

     5. Purpose and Origin