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APUSH - Continuity & Change: Project Home

Your Task

AP US History - Spring Project

Using the APUSH concept of Continuity & Change (change occurs at different rates simultaneously, linking forward and backward in time, while continuitites define aspects of the past that remained the same over certain periods of time), you will depict a change and/or continuity in an element of culture over time. The major elements of culture are symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts. 

Your chosen element may be anything that you find interesting. You will connect the change/shift/sameness of your chosen element to 5 historical time periods/events throughout the 20th century and explain the connection of time period/event to the noted change/continuity.

Break it Down


1. Choose topic

2. Library classes to develop research connections to topic (continuity & change)

3. Working Bibliography (MLA Style) with annotations (at least three).
    ***Pro tip: 
Use NoodleTools for perfect formatting. 

4. Slide deck

5. Create a sandwich that depicts (the evolution of) your topic

The Annotated Bibliography