Today's essential question:
How can you ensure that your sources are used meaningfully in a research project?
Essential questions for research:
What are three economic, cultural, or ecological issues facing Africa today? (see full assignment on Mr. Ryan's Classroom)
Why is access to clean drinking water a persistent problem in Africa?
Image Source: Oxfam East Africa via Flickr: The Congo River is a lifeline, but also a huge threat
You will choose one source that will help to answer the essential question for research.
Cite the source in NoodleTools to the best of your ability using MLA (Advanced).
Include an annotation of no more than 100 words: 2 sentences to describe/summarize the article; 1 sentence to establish the credibility of the author (name, credentials, experience); 2-4 sentences to explain the relevance of the source (this source is relevant because it answers x, y, z).
"Writing an effective annotation requires reading the work, understanding its aims, and clearly summarizing them." - MLA Style Center
Look at an issue from multiple points of view.