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European Industrial Revolution: Project Home

General Resources

Rethink the research process as an exploration of new ideas. 

You can't write a good thesis statement until you've done some research.

You can't research until you know what you need to find.

You might not even know what you need to find until you have a little more background.

What's a student to do? Start with a question. 

1 : careful or diligent search. 2 : studious inquiry or examination; especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws. 3 : the collecting of information about a particular subject.  

Good research is framed, focused and driven by strong research questions (essential questions). If you don't have questions, you run the risk of "reporting." 

Essential questions have 3 characteristics:

1. Open Ended

2. Thought-provoking

3. Universal

These characteristics should also be applied to essential questions for research (or "Research Questions").

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The Big Picture

Writing Prompt: Identify and evaluate an issue raised by the Industrial Revolution in Europe.

Research DBQ Requirements:

  1. Students will have three weeks upon introduction of assignment to complete it.
  2. Format: Typed, double spaced, 12 point font, one inch margins
  3. Length: 4-6 pages 
  4. Cover Page: Must contain name, date, course, period, teacher, title  
  5. Content: Introductory paragraph must include a clear thesis statement. Body paragraphs must provide supporting evidence of the thesis statement. Body paragraphs supporting the thesis should have clear topic sentences. Paper must be written predominantly in your own words, not from sources. Conclusion paragraph must address (or prove) the thesis statement.
  6. End Notes/Footnotes: Citations must be in Turabian (Chicago 15th edition) format, using end notes or footnotes.
  7. Bibliography: Sources must be provided in Turabian (Chicago 15th edition) format.
  8. Sources: You must use at least THREE additional sources with at least one primary source. See handout on note taking. All sources must be used in the paper. 

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Portsmouth, RI 02781

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