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Summer Assignments for PHS: Psychology - AP


Mrs. Kingman
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The Assignment

Welcome to AP Psychology!


I am ecstatic that you have decided to join this class and chose to challenge yourself with the fascinating world of psychology. I am certain that you will find this course worthwhile and personally relevant. There are so many connections that we can make with our own lives from day one of our study through the last day! 

Although it is the summer, there is work to be done. Please note, AP Psychology is a college-level course with rigorous student expectations. Consistent and daily review is essential to being prepared for this very challenging course and the end of year College Board exam. This is not a course for students who are NOT self motivated. 

The exam is two full essays and 100 multiple choice questions and we must master more than 1,500 vocab words in the course of this year. The work starts now. We hope you will commit to taking the end of year exam for possible college credit! 

All three elements of this assignment are due day one of class and will be graded for Quarter One. We will have a graded quiz on day one!  BE PREPARED!  

If this is not something you feel up to completing or the rigor of this course seems overwhelming, please see your guidance counselor to think about a course that may be a better fit for you.

Summer Assignment #1: BUY NOTECARDS!!

You will need MANY packs of index cards for flashcards.. Vocab and names and consistent studying of these concept cards will help you and is necessary and required.  You can buy colored notecards or white ones, cards with lines, cards without- any notecards!  BUY MANY PACKS PLEASE! You will use them!


Summer Assignment #2 – “Who’s Who?” Make flashcards

Directions: You will create a set of 30 index cards summarizing the most influential psychologists you will see on the test. This list is on the next page. This info will be quizzed on Day 1 of class.

One side of the card:  name of the researcher 

Other side of the card: information about this person and their psychological research/famous experiments

BE CREATIVE! Use their studies, their theories, classifications, important vocab terms linked to this person to complete 30 index cards.

WE will have a quiz on Day 1 of AP PSYCHOLOGY ABOUT THESE FIGURES!

  1. Mary Ainsworth (The Strange Situation)
  2. Mary Whiton Calkins 
  3. Dorthea Dix
  4. G. Stanley Hall 
  5. William James 
  6. Wilhelm Wundt
  7. Solomon Asch
  8. Albert Bandura
  9. Alfred Binet 
  10. Noam Chomsky (language acquisition device) 
  11. Erik Erickson (psychosocial stages of development) 
  12. Sigmund Freud
  13. Carol Gilligan 
  14. Kurt Lewin 
  15. Harry Harlow (contact comfort/surrogate mother experiment) 
  16. David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel 
  17. William James (first textbook in psychology) 
  18. Lawrence Kohlberg 
  19. Elizabeth Loftus (misinformation effect)
  20. Abraham Maslow (hierarchy of needs/humanist) 
  21. Stanley Milgram (obedience) 
  22. Ivan Pavlov (classical conditioning) 
  23. Jean Piaget 
  24. Carl Rogers (unconditional positive regard/client-centered therapy) 
  25. Stanley Schachter (Two-Factor theory) 
  26. B.F. Skinner (operant conditioning/skinner box) 
  27. John B. Watson (Baby Albert experiment/behaviorism) 
  28. Benjamin Whorf (linguistic relativity hypothesis) 
  29. Ebbinghaus (Forgetting Curve) 
  30. Philip G. Zimbardo (Stanford Prison Experiment)


Summer Assignment #3: “Let’s Talk About It” - LISTEN TO or WATCH one of the following:

  1. What is your personality type? - Create a free Spotify account and listen to the podcast titled “Science Diction”- the episode titled “Introvert: The invention of a type” - write a 500 word essay which summarizes the learning you gained from listening to this podcast and how this relates to what you think you will learn in Psychology this year. 
  2. Are you just a robot? - Watch the video on YouTube titled “The Asch Line Study - Conformity Experiment.” -  write a 500 word essay which summarizes the learning you gained from listening to this video and how this will relate to what you think you will learn in Psychology this year.
  3. What is the most important element of success?  - Watch the Youtube TED Talk titled “Grit: the power of passion and perseverance” | Angela Lee Duckworth. -  write a 500 word essay which summarizes the learning you gained from listening to this TED Talk and how this will relate to what you think you will learn in Psychology this year. 


Impress me. This is the first assignment I will look at from you and first impressions count!    
** Have a wonderful summer!! **